
Alistofawesometools,documentationandscriptsforbetterprivacyonMicrosoftWindows-TemporalAgent7/awesome-windows-privacy.,2023年12月7日—AfreeandportabletoolforcontrollingWindows10'smanyprivacy-relatedsettingsandkeepyourpersonaldataprivate.,FixWindowsPrivacyisatooltodisableprivacybreachesonWindows10.Moreinformationandaninstallerisavailableontheproject'sgithubpageathttps:// ...,Thisisahandpickedcoll...


A list of awesome tools, documentation and scripts for better privacy on Microsoft Windows - TemporalAgent7/awesome-windows-privacy.

Debotnet is a tiny portable tool for controlling Windows 10's ...

2023年12月7日 — A free and portable tool for controlling Windows 10's many privacy-related settings and keep your personal data private.

Fix Windows 10 Privacy

Fix Windows Privacy is a tool to disable privacy breaches on Windows 10. More information and an installer is available on the project's github page at https:// ...


This is a handpicked collection of privacy and security settings for standalone Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems that tries to strike a good balance ...

PowerShell script for Windows 10 privacy settings

PowerShell script for Windows 10 privacy settings. Contribute to MichiMunich/Windows10-Privacy development by creating an account on GitHub.


This repository is used for Windows client for IT Pro content on Microsoft Learn. - windows-itpro-docs/windows/privacy/ ...


PrivateWin10 is an advanced Privacy tool for windows it provides a simple and comprehensive UI for tweaking privacy settings, as well as options to block ...


2019年10月1日 — Windows 10 has raised several concerns about privacy due to the fact that it has a lot of telemetry and online features.


Privatezilla integrates the most critical Windows 10 privacy settings and allows you to quickly perform a privacy check against these settings.


Right now it implements about 130 rules, which keep Windows 10 in check, regarding data protection. In particular, the new rules for enhanced privacy cover ...